Hello {{firstName}},
Thank you for registering to volunteer with Wabash Valley Neighbors Helping Neighbors! We are creating a movement of care and connectedness in our community. And it wouldn’t be possible without YOU – a caring person choosing to help your neighbor!
Your application is being reviewed, and a member of our staff will get back with you shortly.
We appreciate your time and willingness to meet the needs of your neighbors. Whether the project is great or small, Wabash Valley Neighbors Helping Neighbors gives us the opportunity to remind people that they are cared for and loved.
In the meantime, feel free to explore the types of volunteer projects available and take some time to think about what types might appeal to you. We look forward to working alongside you in the community! If you have any questions, feel free to email me.
Thank you,
Schelia Romanelly, WV Neighbors Helping Neighbors Coordinator

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